Monday, February 06, 2006

Lock and Keel

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Lock and Keel

The very first thing that comes to mind is they have the coveted "Strong Bow". That was about the end of the good news for me with this place. Maybe you'll think different.

It was a little too blue collar for me, a pretty gritty crowd. But, if that's how you like it, then have at it. The pint was $3.75, I'd say pretty average for non happy hour at a Seattle bar.

There are two pool tables, pretty busy, I'd say. Mind you, this was on the Eve of Super Bowl Sunday. There's an elevated table in the back, up about 4 stairs and has its own banister, I guess you can get good and drunk and not fall off the platform. The bartenders were pretty nice for being busy.

Correct me if I am wrong, but this place does not serve food, so that's a minus in my book. It was pretty noisy, and the seating was less than average for comfort. So, if you like blue collar, and you're a member of a devil's brigade, go for it. If you're the average bar goer just looking for another place to go, go somewhere else. You can find plenty better here :)

More info at my new site,


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